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After sending out numerous resumes and going on countless interviews, you have found the perfect job. The only thing left for you to do is to resign. Although you probably rehearsed what you would tell your boss 100 times, did you plan for the possibility of a counter offer?

Changing jobs can be an emotional roller coaster so before you give your notice, be prepared for what you will say if faced with a counter offer. Remember you have put your boss into crisis mode and this may lead to an introduction to the counter offer through praise or guilt. Be cautious of the offer of “exciting and expanding responsibilities” or the possibility that you will receive an additional increase or bonus if you stay. If your employer loved you that much, why did it take your leaving to suddenly get the respect you deserve. If the guilt card is played be ready to hear how your leaving will “put a strain on the department” and then politely offer to help in the transition. Try to remain in the mindset that you have been in for months and remember that you would not be leaving if you were happy or felt valued.

Counter offers are to benefit your employer, not you. So before you even entertain a counteroffer, consider these 5 reasons why it is in the company’s best interest to have you stay:

  1. EASIER TO KEEP THAN REPLACE: The cost of recruiting and placing a qualified candidate in today’s economy is significant. It is much easier to keep you with a counter offer than replace you. Since managers are responsible for employee satisfaction and retention, making you a counter offer will also help your boss save face.
  2. WHERE DID THE MONEY COME FROM: If you are offered a raise as an incentive to stay, ask yourself where did the money come from? If your raise was merit based, you would have received it by now. Instead, due to timing alone, your raise now becomes a bribe. Caution – when the crisis is over, so is the incentive to keep you.
  3. TRUST IS BROKEN- As soon as you give your notice, you will become an outsider and easier to replace. And even though your boss may say there are no hard feelings, each time you leave the office for an appointment it will be viewed with suspicion.
  4. WHAT WILL BE DIFFERENT? Chances are the same reasons that caused you to consider leaving this job will repeat themselves in the future; even if you accept a counteroffer. Remember this is business. Your employer is looking out for his best interest and so should you!
  5. YOUR REPUTATION: When you accept a counter offer, you are breaking your commitment to your prospective employer. This will definitely damage your reputation with the company who made you an offer and may ruin your reputation in your field. Would you want to hire someone who does not keep his or her word?
  6. LEAVING WITH MUTUAL RESPECT – Well managed companies treat their employees with respect. If you quit your job with style and decline the counter offer you save your career from potential damage. It is time to show your employer you have the confidence to stick with your decision.


Counter offers are merely stalling tactics to give your employers time to deal with the unexpected. By making a counter offer, your boss saves the company time and money and prevents a potential strain on your co-workers.

While accepting a counter offer may be tempting, statistics show they just don’t work. According to Business Week and the National Employers Association, 89% of workers who accept counter-offers leave their job within six months. Before you accept a counter offer, take remember why you wanted to leave your job in the first place.

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