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Considering a change? Look for these signs

Looking to change jobs? Each year begins with thoughts of new years’ resolutions as we think about how we can improve our lives. Because everyone’s interests and goals change over time, it is only natural to question. But how do you know when is the right time to seek new job opportunities?

Here are six indicators that it is time make a job change:

1. You are watching the clock

If you find yourself counting down the hours before you can head home, it is time to change jobs. Remember when your job was fresh, and you did your best to impress your employer. Don’t you want that enthusiasm back?

2. You need a challenge

Some employers do not have the resources to offer opportunities for development or advancement. If you are no longer challenged by your current position, take time to explore other options. The longer you stay at the end of a dead end street, the harder it will be to turn around and take a different direction.

 3.   You are bored

If your daily tasks have become mundane, you are no longer growing.  You were hired for your experience and skill set, however, over time you have improved. Now it is time to challenge yourself again.  Staying in a position that you’ve grown out of, out of a sense of loyalty or hesitation to change, will not help your employer. Furthermore, it will not help you advance your career.

4.   You feel invisible

Do you feel your voice is heard at team meetings? Are you recognized or given credit for your accomplishments?  Do you feel valued? If you have done everything you can to improve the dynamic of your workplace and still feel invisible, its time to move on. Seek new employment where you can make a real difference.

5. You no longer share the company’s vision or values

Remember back when you accepted your offer of employment, and you believed your employers’ values aligned with your own. Has that feeling changed? Are you still proud to identify yourself as an employee? A lack of shared values can be a powerful motivator. Look for a job with company leaders that inspire you.

6. You are stressed

Various events cause work-related stress. Are the demands of your job greater than you can comfortably manage? Do you work in a toxic environment that includes conflicts with co-workers or bosses or threats to your job security? Fatigue, irritability, and insomnia are signs of rising stress levels. Your body may be trying to tell you something.

Finally, as Steve Jobs once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” If you haven’t found a job you love, keep looking. These signs are indications that it is time for a change. Don’t be afraid to start exploring your options. At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, we work with most of the law firms and technology companies in the Louisiana Gulf Coast region helping top performing professionals forge new career paths.

Furthermore, we can provide access to positions in the Legal and IT fields that may not be advertised on job boards or a company’s website. What are you waiting for? Search our current opportunities or submit your resume now to find a job that is the right fit for you!


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