February 12, 2018
SRS picks rock stars
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Looking for a rock star candidate to fill that job opening?
Handful of resumes? Let us help you find your rock star candidate.

Looking for that rock star candidate?

We can help you find the rock star candidate you are searching for! Spend a lot of time and energy reviewing résumés and playing phone tag before scheduling your first interview? Take the easy route instead and partner with Strategic Recruitment Solutions (SRS).

Why Rock Star Candidates Rely On SRS To Help Them Find The Perfect Job:

Don't you want a rock star to fill that position?
At SRS, we help you pick the perfect candidate!
  1. WE RESPECT PRIVACY – When job seekers are at the top of their game, actively conducting a covert job search can be next to impossible. Even the most casual inquiry about potential opportunities poses a significant risk. That is why rock star candidates, especially from the legal and IT industries, call us before considering a career change. Our executive recruiters know when candidates are open to hearing about positions before they even have time to dust off their resumes.
  2. WE OFFER INSIDE INFORMATION – As recruiters, we are familiar with the culture, reputation, business models and work environment of the most prominent employers. And because of the nature of our business, we stay in constant communication with the companies we represent. This means we usually receive advanced notice on positions before they become available. Great candidates know that this valuable insider information gives them a significant competitive advantage.
  3. WE ARE COMMITTED TO COMMUNICATION – Job-seekers, especially talented ones, do not want to be kept in the dark about the next step in the employment process. At SRS we are committed to keeping the lines of communication open. Often talented candidates slip through the cracks due to lack of follow-up. But not on our watch!
  4. WE OFFER GUIDANCE AND NEGOTIATION SKILLS – At SRS we have a vested interest in the success of all our candidates. One of the most sensitive and awkward aspects of pursuing a new career is negotiating compensation. Our experienced recruiters know how to remove the emotional element of salary negotiations. We utilize our extensive knowledge of the salaries in the current market to seal the deal for all parties involved.
Call SRS for all your recruiting needs
SRS is great at salary negotiations

Don’t Miss The Opportunity

While that stack of resumes on your desk is growing, you could be losing an opportunity to hire the rock star candidate. If you are looking for a top performing professional, consider partnering with Strategic Recruitment Solutions. We work with many of the law firms and technology companies in the Gulf Coast region.  Give us a call and see for yourself how finding your next rock star or dream job can be!

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