June 14, 2021
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You have been in your job a few years and noticed your motivation is dwindling. Maybe you no longer feel challenged to learn. Or perhaps you feel like you are going in the opposite direction of where you envisioned your career going.

Everyone’s interests and goals naturally change over time. So how do you know if you’re ready for a job change?

Here are seven indicators that it may be time for you to make your move:

You feel stressed and tired

Are you overly tired on the way to work, sleeping less, or more irritable? These could be symptoms of rising stress levels – an early warning system that something is off.  Stress can affect your mood and immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and lows and impairing performance.

So if your body is trying to tell you something, take a moment to understand the message.

You don’t believe in the company like you used to

When you began working in your current job, it seemed full of possibilities, and you felt proud to identify yourself as an employee of your organization. But recently, you’ve noticed a change in the office atmosphere, and your belief or confidence in the organization isn’t what it was.

Perhaps the company has taken some commercial or strategic decisions that don’t sit well with you. Maybe a management reshuffle has not been a change for the better. Or perhaps it’s just that your thinking has evolved, and you feel your values no longer align with yours.

You can’t wait for the day to end

When you first started this job, you woke up excited about going to work. On the job, you often asked about taking on extra projects and offered to stay late to complete your work. Now, you find yourself counting down the hours until you can log off and head home. You look for the minimum workload rather than look for opportunities to go the extra mile.

It may be that your position doesn’t stretch you any more, or your current employer doesn’t have an adequate development path for you. Either way, it could be time to move on to something that ignites your passion again.

Your job skills don’t match up with your interests

Sometimes people get hired for things they’re good at but don’t necessarily like doing. You may be skilled in software sales but would really prefer to be in marketing. Maybe you’re great at creating spreadsheets but would rather meet with clients instead of sitting at a desk all day. Perhaps you’ve found yourself practicing in one area of law, but you’d prefer another.

It is natural to want to align your interests with your career activity – and the longer you leave it, the harder it can be to switch as you become more and more specialized in a field where you feel you do not belong.

As Steve Jobs once said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” So now could be the time to take the opportunity while you can and see what you can achieve if you try.

You feel invisible

Do you get the impression that your opinions and contributions go unacknowledged? Have you been overlooked for a promotion or an important project, and you’re finding others get the credit for things you suggested months ago. Perhaps relationships within your team aren’t as cordial or collaborative as they used to be, and team members aren’t socializing together anymore.

Because you spend a significant portion of your time at work, it is important that you feel that you are valued.  It also helps if your work atmosphere is friendly, productive, and encouraging. If you’ve done everything you can to improve the dynamic, but still feel that things are not right, it may be time to move on. Find something new to challenge you and where you think you can make a real difference.

Your job is boring

Sometimes it can be hard to accept that your role is just not substantial enough for you anymore. Unhappily staying in a position because of your sense of loyalty or hesitation to make a change could hurt your career in the long run.

Over time you have developed skills and experience, and it may be time for new challenges. Sometimes an employer may not have the resources to help you reach your potential. What your career may need is the sort of change that only a job switch can provide.

If you see similarities with your job experience after reading these seven signs, don’t be afraid to start exploring your options.

At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, your success is our success. Our reputation for superior client satisfaction is the result of a tireless commitment to exceeding our clients’ objectives. We are the recruiting firm of choice for top employers in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and the Gulf Region. Our recruiters will partner with you in your search for highly talented legal, management and technology hires. They will lend their industry knowledge, experience, tools, and technology to enhance your recruiting strategy. We have been matching top companies with top talent in the Gulf Region for more than a decade. Our focus is on building a long-term relationship with your company. Call us today at 888-366-6508. We can help you find the best candidate to join your legal or IT team.

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