January 15, 2023
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Seeking “meaning” at work is relatively new, starting in the 20th century. As the workplace became associated with our identity, seeking meaning and gratitude became part of our cultural fiber. Present-day employees seek a more profound sense of purpose at work. Work cultures focusing on gratitude, appreciation, and building better professional relationships are more successful. This is because these work cultures amplify empathy, collaboration, and communication.

Gratitude Is Reciprocal 

Gratitude and giving recognition are two sides of the same coin. When a company recognizes an employee’s accomplishments, appreciation is inherent for the person who did the work. While end-of-year bonuses are appreciated, however, these actions have a deeper meaning when immersed in a culture of gratitude. Employees who are acknowledged and appreciated tend to share gratitude for their co-workers.

Showing gratitude creates a firm-wide morale boost which leads to a work culture of well-being. Once this positive chain reaction begins, there is an increase in energy for tasks, directly impacting performance, productivity, and retention. Moreover, when recognition is given frequently throughout the year, the impact of that positive reinforcement is even more significant. The more you reward a behavior, the more likely it will be repeated.

Strong Leaders 

Leaders who look beyond their rigid working styles by embracing different approaches to express gratitude are more successful. Expressing gratitude makes us vulnerable and authentic, creating a powerful human connection between the giver and the receiver. Traditional thinking may view vulnerability as a weakness; however, it is quite the contrary. Leaders who model the habit of frequent and widespread expressions of recognition and appreciation inspire others throughout the organization to emulate that behavior.

Unsure where to start? Just saying “thank you” is effortless and has immeasurable benefits. Everyone around you appreciates recognition. In addition, offering praise to team members who habitually recognize others inspires others to follow their lead.

The Effects of Gratitude  

Many studies show that gratitude causes lasting physiological effects on the brain. A study by the American Psychological Association found that 93 percent of employees “who reported feeling valued said that they are motivated to do their best at work, and 88 percent reported feeling engaged.” Among that group, only 21% plan to look for a new job in the coming year. In another study, researchers revealed that the area of the brain responsible for learning and decision-making demonstrated a higher sensitivity rate in people who felt grateful. Finally, gratitude for your employees and co-workers provides you with the proper perspective for success and enriches the firm’s culture with a flagstone of positivity. 

At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, we have matched top companies with top talent in the Gulf Region for over a decade. Moreover, our focus is on building long-term relationships with the companies we assist. Call us today at 888-366-6508.  can help you find the best candidate to join your legal or IT team or aid job seekers in finding the most appropriate position for their talents. 

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