February 15, 2021
Examiner reading a resume during a job interview, employment and recruitment concept, point of view shot
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Virtually all advice related to job interviews involves helping the job seeker prepare answers to the interviewer’s questions. However, much of your potential employer’s impression of you will be based on the questions you ask in addition to the questions you answer. Besides asking the standard questions about job requirements, job benefits, or the next steps after the interview, you should ask questions that will help you determine whether this is your dream job.

Be prepared to show that you have done your research and have taken the time to prepare questions that will reveal something about the firm. Show your desire to know more about the company’s culture to ensure you are the right fit.

Here are some suggested questions to ask your interviewer:

1.What is it about your firm that differentiates you from other firms practicing similar types of law?

Depending on how your interview answers this question, you will understand how the firm’s culture and priorities line up with yours. Give your interviewer the opportunity to tell you what makes them special and think about what their answer means to you in terms of the company being a match to your goals.

2.How would you describe the firm’s culture and philosophy?

If your interviewer describes a positive work culture with advancement opportunities, this is great news for you. The more details provided, the better. You may even keep the conversation going by asking for an example that defines the company’s culture.

3.What does a successful member of this firm look like, and what do they do to be considered successful?

This question will show your genuine interest in being a team asset. The implication is that you are asking because you want to know because you want to emulate that success. After the interview, you can do additional research to gain more knowledge about this individual and prepare for your second interview.

4.What does your firm use as the common markers of success?

This question will help you determine how the firm handles performance reviews.  This is something you will want to know before you agree to accept the job.

5.What’s something that you learned later about the company you wished you would have known when you first joined?

By asking to hear about the interviewer’s experience, you are showing a true interest in wanting to know more. The information your interviewer provides will give you an idea of what it is like to hit the ground running in your new environment.

At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, our industry-expert recruiters are here to offer you insight and guidance. We will help you land your dream job and be there for you every step of the way. We help you improve your resume, prepare for your interview, and help you decide which job is best for you.

For more than a decade, we have been matching top companies with top talent in the Gulf Region. We specialize in Legal and IT recruiting. Call us today at 888-366-6508 to learn how easy partnering with SRS can help you reach your career goals. Feel free to browse our Jobs and Career Listings to see a growing list of opportunities in your field.

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