July 20, 2018
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Summertime is usually when the majority of job seekers take a break from their search.  There is a common misconception among job seekers that the summer months are the slow season in reference to new hires. Many job seekers assume they can halt their search because:

1. Summertime is a lax time for employers with less restrictive hours and deadlines. The truth is most businesses retain regular business hours during the summer months. Unless a business is seasonal, the show must go on. Important business deadlines such as quarterly reports and tax filings do not take a summer break.

2. During the Summer months, the workflow tends to happen at a much slower pace than in any other seasons.  This is partially true, depending on the industry. However, most businesses use this “down time” to catch up on neglected projects and to prepare for the future.

3. During the Summertime most supervisors and hiring, managers are taking vacations or are not focused on the hiring process.

It is a myth that people don’t get hired over the summer. While it is true that summer months are when many people take vacations, this does not mean that hiring comes to a complete halt.  Summer is a great time to rev up your search, especially since everyone else assumes there is a hiring slowdown.

The Truth About Summertime

A recent study revealed that 79% of employers that hire for the summer would consider those employees for permanent positions. In fact, the Summer months may be the most advantageous for your job search. Here’s why:

Generally, because there is a slower pace in June, July, and August, this allows more time for the hiring process. Candidates who do not put their searches on hiatus, therefore, have an advantage. Employers will have more time to spend on the interview and selection process and will not be as rushed to fill positions immediately. Likewise, because fewer candidates will apply, the speed of the selection process may increase.

Many companies utilize the summer months to plan and prepare for the Fall. This is a traditional time to prepare for annual trade shows, the holiday season and end of year audits. Instead of being a lax time of year, Summertime presents opportunities. What will companies do in preparation for the heavy workload the Fall season brings? Increase their staff.

Expand Your Connections

The summer is the perfect season for networking.  Work schedules will be more flexible during the summer months and may allow more time for fun events such as a company barbecue or other outdoor party.  This is a great time to expand your connections with co-workers and to seek new opportunities. For new graduates who are just beginning their careers, networking is essential.

Resist the temptation to hang out by the pool all summer. Instead, spend some time focusing on your job search. Summer offers you the perfect opportunity to polish your resume, create and execute a job search plan, and network.

At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, we are here to help you forge your new career path.  We have been instrumental in helping job seekers find their dream jobs for more than a decade. We work closely with most of the law firms and technology companies in the Louisiana Gulf Coast region and the Nation and can provide access to positions that may not be advertised on job boards or a company’s website. Search our current opportunities or submit your resume to get started!

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