July 23, 2018
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Job Seeker Advantage - work with Strategic Recruitment Solutions
Job Seekers the advantage in 2018.

Attention Job Seekers! It is a great time to be looking for employment! 2018 marks the first time on record (since 2000) that the number of available jobs in the U.S. surpassed the number of those unemployed.

In April, job openings were at 6.7 million while the number of those unemployed was 6.6 million. With such a high number of job openings compared to those seeking work, job seekers have the advantage. These numbers may not reflect the percentage of the population that chooses to remain unemployed, however, the numbers reflect a job seekers market.

Want to further your chances of being hired in the legal or IT field? Partner with Strategic Recruitment Solutions (SRS) and learn how SRS candidates have the edge over the competition.  

The SRS Job Seekers Advantage:

# 1 Your Resume Will Be Seen.

When you partner with SRS, your resume will be viewed by the most prominent employers in the Gulf South Region. Because our recruiters are familiar with the culture, reputation, business models and work environment, our opinion is a trusted resource for hiring managers and human resource directors.

#2 We will review your skill set and the positions available to make sure the opportunity is right for you. 

On average, in 2018, the average job seeker searched for three months before receiving his or her first job offer. Usually, there is a large percentage of mismatches between available jobs and applicants. When your resume comes from SRS, employers know we have reviewed your specific skill sets, talents, abilities, and other factors (e.g., location, salary requirements). That is resumes sent from SRS will not get lost on someone’s desk.

#3 You will be more likely to land an interview. 

At SRS, we have valued and trusted relationship with premier employers in the Gulf South region. Your prospective employer knows that our candidates have been interviewed and their references have been checked. With SRS, we do not waste anyone’s time, and your future employer knows this. 

#4 You will receive advance notice on job openings.

Due to the nature of our business, we stay in constant communication with the companies we represent. Meaning we usually receive advanced notice on positions before they become available.  Competing with fewer candidates and being “first out of the gate” provide significant competitive advantages over other job seekers who must wait for the opportunities to post publicly!

At SRS, because we have a vested interest in the success of all our candidates, we offer guidance and negotiation skills. As a job seeker, one of the most sensitive and awkward aspects of pursuing a new career is negotiating compensation. Our experienced recruiters know how to remove the emotional element of salary negotiations. We utilize our extensive knowledge of the salaries in the current market to seal the deal for all parties involved.

At no cost to you, SRS recruiters will provide you with a personalized consultation that looks beyond just your resume. Our recruiters will take all of your skills, talents, and career goals into account when searching for the perfect employer and position match.  All of our services are provided in confidence. You will be treated with sensitivity and discretion.

Finally, at SRS, our services are free to job seekers. Considering this, why not take advantage of all the benefits that we can offer you in today’s competitive market?

Are you ready for the next step?

Are you ready to quadruple your advantage in advancing your career, call us today? At Strategic Recruitment Solutions, we believe the job search should be a completely candidate friendly experience. Send us your confidential resume today! Upon receipt, we will set up a face-to-face-interview to discuss your skills and communicate your goals. We will provide you with an honest assessment of your skills and inform you how your goals fit into the current market. Not only do we guide you through the interview process by providing tips and insights about the employer you are interviewing with, but we also make sure your job offer aligns with current market rates. Let us help you put your best foot forward and get ahead in your search by get you hired!


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